Sonia Flew by Melinda Lopez
Performance Network & JET Theatre
Ann Arbor, MI and West Bloomfield, MI
Sept/Oct 2010 and Dec 2010/Jan 2011
Michigan Premiere
!["'Sonia Flew' soars with grace and power - ...[a] gripping show that held me rapt throughout its two-hour run-time. Each narrative could have supported an entire play, so rich are they with dramatic tension and conflict; to see them both in the](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5590913ae4b01327377b258b/1463066946336-XXP5JTHI58UM4Z1B6BEJ/62937_454729827416_4516570_n.jpg)
"'Sonia Flew' soars with grace and power - ...[a] gripping show that held me rapt throughout its two-hour run-time. Each narrative could have supported an entire play, so rich are they with dramatic tension and conflict; to see them both in the course of an evening is an emotional, high-impact experience. With “Sonia,” the Network has done what, in its very best moments, it does: it’s made a memorable, wholly transporting production from a pretty good script — which is a tribute to both Wolber’s thoughtful direction and the cast’s abilities as versatile performers." - Jenn McKee, Ann Arbor News

"Powerful 'Sonia' flies to the JET - From the moment the play begins, Lopez's dialogue sparkles, as casual conversations and heated exchanges alike ring true. Most unique, though, is the challenge she issues to directors and actors alike: Each actor plays one character in the first act and someone different in the second. And not surprisingly, director David Wolber and his first-rate troupe of actors respond to it with superb performances from start to finish." - Donald Calamia, Encoremichigan.com

"'Sonia Flew' is flight worth taking - It's a complicated story, especially for the stage, with actors playing multiple roles and flashbacks that switch between past and present events. Director David Wolber, who is also the theater's artistic director, should be credited for doing an outstanding job of keeping the production flowing smoothly in the face of constantly changing scenes, sets and characters. " - Ronelle Griere, The Oakland Press

"Melinda Lopez's complex and evocative Sonia Flew, a co-production now at the Jewish Ensemble Theatre, examines the path we expect our lives to follow, how outside forces can warp and sever that trajectory, and what happens in the aftermath. The play's internally and externally turbulent struggles of balancing opposing family and national identities is made all too palpable by David Wolber's marvelous direction and the work of a pitch-perfect cast." - Carolyn Hayes, Rogue Critic

"'Sonia Flew' definitely packs a punch. It is the rare production that makes the audience empathize completely with the difficult decisions being made onstage." - John Monaghan, Detroit Free Press

Sonia Flew
by Melinda Lopez
Director - David Wolber
Sonia/Marta - Mila Govich*
Daniel/Tito - Jon Bennett*
Zak/Jose - Russ Schwartz
Jen/Young Sonia - Christina Flynn
Sam/Orfeo - Will David Young*
Nina/Pilar - Sarab Kamoo*
Stage Manager - Megan Buckley*
Set/props design - Monika Essen
Light design - Daniel C. Walker
Costume design - Mary Copenhagen
Sound design - Phil Powers
*member Actors Equity Association
photos by Jude Walton
"Sonia Flew" received a Wilde Award nomination for Best Performance, Actress - Drama 2011 (Govich),
and two Rogue Gallery Nominations: "Best Drama" and "Best Ensemble," as well as recognition by the Ann Arbor News for Best Play Production 2010: "Sonia Flew", David Wolber, director and Best Memorable Performance: Sarab Kamoo, "Sonia Flew"