Brill by David Wells
Performance Network Theatre
Ann Arbor, MI
Jan 2013
World Premiere

"This script could easily work as just another whimsical odd-couple play. That would have been okay. But thanks to the integrity of David Wolber’s direction, Wells’ brilliant dialog, wonderful music by Frank Allison (from Frank Allison and the Odd Sox), and inspired performances by Powers and Leahy, 'Brill' transcends all that. It takes us to a sacred place, where music is conceived in love and heartache and pain and joy and despair and hope. Always hope." - Patty Nolan, Examiner.com

"The play's story takes inspiration from a revolutionary age in popular music, but director David Wolber's conveyance of the timeless spark of the creative process is what gives this production its luster." - Carolyn Hayes, Encoremichigan.com

"Leahy conveys the paradoxical mixture of bravado and vulnerability that so often typifies young adulthood, while Powers makes Jimmy a somewhat grizzled, but nonetheless compassionate, man who feels the ground beneath his feet shifting. The stage chemistry between the two, guided by director David Wolber, simply works - from moments of levity to the play’s most intense crisis points." - Jenn McKee, AnnArbor.com

"Give 'Brill' a 98, with a bullet, plus four stars and two thumbs up. This is one satisfying show, lovingly brought to life by an array of talented individuals. "Brill" bristles with drama and human emotion. The show is directed by David Wolber. Powers and Leahy are terrific, both individually and in tandem." - Daniel Skora, New Monitor

"Anyone who has ever experienced a mentor/protégé relationship will likely relate to the remarkably believable interactions between these two characters, which is a credit to both director David Wolber and the playwright. Audiences are certain to have an enjoyable evening out." - Angie Lai, Chelsea Patch

by David Wells
Director - David Wolber
Jimmy - Phil Powers*
Margie - Sarah Ann Leahy
Musical Director - R MacKenzie Lewis
Assistant Director - Logan Ricket
Dramaturg - Carla Milarch
Stage Manager - Chelsea Burke*
Assistant Stage Manager - Megan Leno
Set and light design - Daniel C. Walker
Costume design - Monika Essen
Sound design - Will Myers
Props design - Charles Sutherland
photos by Sean Carter
"County Line" received an Edgerton Foundation New American Play Award in 201